Saturday, February 12, 2011

For a Good Cause 2: Rod volunteers at a major charity event.

Rod had the pleasure of being asked to participate again at Donna Karan's Urban Zen, 'Help Haiti' charity event. The event was hosted by Ben Stiller and his foundation to honor Sean Penn, for his incredible hands on charity work in both New Orleans and Haiti. Rod enjoyed assisting with the auction, run by leading movie directors Brett Ratner and Paul Haggis. The evening was an enjoyable and highly successful fundraiser for an important cause.

Top photo: Sean Penn awarded photo gift by Donna Karan.
Middle photo: Rod meets Ben Stiller
Bottom: Ben Stiller auctions off his famed Zoolander walk. As movie director Brett Ratner gives a helping hand and Jessica Alba watches. Zoolander 2 is in production.

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